People Matter: Addiction Recovery

The impact of addiction on people’s lives, families and communities is enormous. It’s a huge problem in the Triangle – for all ages and genders. The good news? Treatment is available, and recovery is possible. There are nonprofits in our community who are coming alongside those struggling with addiction – casting a vision for the…

People Matter: Poverty Alleviation

There are more than one million people in Wake County, with nearly half living in Raleigh. Of that one million, approximately nine percent live in poverty. That’s almost 90,000 people living on minimum wage – unable to provide the proper care and education for their children, or being in a state of homelessness – having…

Standing on the Edge of Poverty

Have you ever had to live paycheck to paycheck? Do you know what it’s like to experience what appears to be “small problems of everyday life” but are actually devastating circumstances? Have you had “simple” car problems or medical issues that led you to the edge of a financial crisis? Sadly, and surprisingly, many people…