Danny Rosin
My name is Danny Rosin. I guess I have four sort of prongs to my stool. One is family, another one is music, and then the two main ones I’m involved in on a day-to-day basis in the real world outside of family is philanthropy and also marketing.
Something I learned a long time ago about the nonprofit world: If you’re in the board or you’re serving in some capacity, you know, give, get or get off was the thinking. And so I think if you are looking at yourself in the mirror and you’re asking yourself, “are you walking the walk?” and you feel like you’re not walking the walk, then it’s okay to leave. Doing that is amazingly self-aware. It’s selfless, and it delivers an opportunity for someone else to join the board to do the hard work.
Walking the walk is a critical question for us to be asking ourselves in the boardroom, because if we’re not asking it, we’re probably keeping the same tired faces who are doing the same work in the boardroom every single day. And the key here is that if we look at the organizational needs, we probably need to be focused on innovation. We need to be building the organization to grow for capacity. We need to be looking at how can we reach out to the community to bring more people into what we’re doing so we could do more good work.
Again, as the leadership team you have to walk the walk and really continue to do that and model that behavior, because people don’t typically do what you say or ask them to do. They do what they see you do.
See more from the People Matter series here.