Every year seems to present its challenges. They may be personal, professional, political or planetary. And as we enter 2020, the potential for all of these areas to present their unique challenges is certainly high. Impeachment, a presidential election, international turmoil and economic uncertainty are all cause for concern. At Angel Oak Creative we want to provide an alternative to all of this negativity and pessimism. Therefore, we are boldly declaring 2020 – The Year of Encouragement!
This doesn’t mean we don’t think these issues are important. It just means there are already plenty of voices proclaiming negativity and potential disaster. We want to be a source of encouragement for our nonprofit community in the face of what will likely be a contentious and combative year.
With this mission in mind, we’re dedicating a portion of our 2020 content to highlighting positive, uplifting and encouraging nonprofit stories, people and initiatives. This means our People Matter series, social media content, blog posts and more will provide moments of respite from the nattering negativity and help us truly make 2020 a Year of Encouragement.
You might be wondering – “So, what does this mean for me and for our nonprofit community?”
It means we want to hear your stories of encouragement. It means we want you to email us and let us know how we can share those stories of miraculous encouragement with our community – and if there are nonprofits in particular we can encourage! We want you to use #yearofencouragement when sharing encouraging posts or photos on social media. We want you to keep an eye on the encouraging content we’re going to prioritize in 2020 and share it with your community.
But most importantly, we want you to be encouraged. Because we know people who feel encouraged pass it on.
We appreciate you being willing to go on this journey with us to encourage our community and remind all of us of the extraordinary good that happens in the ordinary day in and day out!